"Dharma Productions and Eternal Sunshine Productions present 'JIGRA,' directed by Vasan Bala, scheduled for release in cinemas on 27th September 2024. This Dharma Productions film features Alia Bhatt in the lead role and is produced by Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, Alia Bhatt, and Somen Mishra, with Marijke deSouza as the co-producer. The screenplay is written by Debashish Irengbam, while Swapnil S. Sonawane ISC handles the cinematography.
The music is composed by Achint Thakkar, with lyrics penned by Varun Grover. Vikram Dahiya serves as the action director, Kunal Sharma as the sound designer, and Prerna Saigal as the editor. Mukund Gupta is the production designer, and Veera Kapur Ee is responsible for costumes. Arpan Gaglani takes on the role of VFX Supervisor, and Vishal Bajaj & Pratik Nandkumar More handle the Shoot at Site. Nandini Shrikent and Karan Mally are the casting directors. Save the date for its theatrical release on 27th September 2024."