10000 Pax Music Video from Jigarthanda DoubleX

Prepare to immerse yourself in the pulsating rhythms of the electrifying "10000 Pax" music video from the highly anticipated movie "Jigarthanda DoubleX." This enthralling track features lyrics, vocals, and a powerful performance by ofRo, with music that's sure to make your heart race composed by the renowned Santhosh Narayanan. With its infectious beats and mesmerizing visuals, this music video promises to be a captivating experience for all music enthusiasts. "10000 Pax" is part of the "Jigarthanda DoubleX" movie, and the dynamic collaboration between ofRo and Santhosh Narayanan brings a unique energy to this track. Recorded at Future Tense Studios in Chennai and mixed and mastered by Rupendar Venkatesh, this song is a testament to the incredible talent that is associated with the project. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to hit that play button and let the rhythm of "10000 Pax" take over, as it's set to become a sensation among music lovers.

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