Introducing the latest lyrical gem, "Humma Humma," from the upcoming film "Ooru Peru Bhairavakona." Starring Sundeep Kishan, Varsha Bollamma, and Kavya Thapar, this catchy song is brought to life through the melodious voice of Ram Miriyala. Composed, arranged, and with keyboard programming by Shekar Chandra, the song boasts a rich musical landscape with contributions from talented artists like Rohith Babu Arabelli and Himanshu on keyboards and guitars, respectively.
"Ooru Peru Bhairavakona," directed by VI Anand, promises an intriguing cinematic experience with its stellar cast and captivating music. The film is presented by Anil Sunkara under AK Entertainments and produced by Razesh Danda, bearing the banner of Hasya Movies. With creative contributions from talented individuals like Raj Thota (DOP), Chota K Prasad (Editor), and Shekar Chandra (Music), "Ooru Peru Bhairavakona" is set to captivate audiences with its unique storytelling and soulful songs, including the enchanting "Humma Humma."
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