Sudheer Babu, a rising star in the Telugu film industry, has assumed the lead role in the latest movie, "Maama Mascheendra." Despite high expectations in the box office, the film fell short of achieving the anticipated success. Sudheer Babu, wearing multiple hats as the actor, writer, and director, showcased his versatile talents in this project. "Maama Mascheendra" has now found its way to the digital platform, Amazon Prime Video, and has been available for streaming since October 20th, captivating audiences with its engaging storyline.
The digital platform is gearing up to release several films during this festive season, and "Maama Mascheendra" stands out as one of the prominent offerings. Sudheer Babu dedicated considerable effort to this project, and although it didn't meet its expectations at the box office, it has discovered a new audience on the OTT platform. The film boasts an ensemble cast of talented actors, including Harsha Vardhan, Ali Reza, Rajeev Kanakala, Hariteja, Ajay, Mirchi Kiran, and others. Produced by Sri Venkateswara Cine Mass LLP and Srushti Celluloid, the movie features music composed by Chaitan Bharadwaj, with Eesha Rebba and Mrunalini Ravi playing the lead female roles in this cinematic endeavor.