Renowned filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri is all set to embark on an epic cinematic journey as he brings the legendary Indian epic, the Mahabharata, to the big screen. The adaptation of the best-selling novel "Parva," penned by the esteemed Padma Bhushan Dr. S.L. Bhyrappa, is poised to be a monumental undertaking. Titled "Parva: An Epic Tale of Dharma," this ambitious project will be presented in three distinct parts, ensuring a comprehensive and captivating portrayal of this timeless saga.
Vivek Agnihotri, who takes on the roles of director and writer for the film, is known for his thought-provoking and impactful storytelling. The movie's production is in the capable hands of Pallavi Joshi, adding depth to this grand cinematic venture. Co-writer Prakash Belawadi, a notable name in the industry, brings his talents to complement Agnihotri's vision for "Parva." As the project takes shape, audiences can anticipate a cinematic masterpiece that delves into the profound themes of the Mahabharata, promising a captivating and thought-provoking experience. "Parva: An Epic Tale of Dharma" is destined to be a significant addition to Indian cinema.