Sudheer Babu, the talented actor known for his compelling performances, is all set to captivate audiences once again with his upcoming film, "Harom Hara." The first look poster of the movie has recently been revealed, and it promises a captivating and intense journey. The poster showcases Sudheer Babu in two distinctive avatars – one as the poised Subrahmanyam and the other as the fierce and formidable Subrahmanyam, creating an intriguing contrast. The caption, written in Telugu, adds a layer of suspense to the story, indicating that the film might delve into the duality of its protagonist's character.
The project boasts an impressive crew with Gnanasagar Dwara as the director, Chaitan Bharadwaj handling the music, and Jungle Monkey Productions joining hands with Sumanth Naidu's S Originals to present this enigmatic tale. The first look poster's visual aesthetics and the actor's dual role have already generated excitement among film enthusiasts. As the film's teaser and more details are yet to be revealed, the anticipation for "Harom Hara" is on the rise, and it's undoubtedly a project to watch out for in the coming days.MASS SAMBHAVAM Teaser from this Diwali