For all the Leos out there, the stars have aligned as 'ThalapathyVijay Leo' made its debut on Netflix India on November 16th. This 2023 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film, directed by the renowned Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by Seven Screen Studio, has been creating quite a buzz. The film features the iconic Vijay in the lead role, along with a stellar cast including Sanjay Dutt, Arjun, Trisha, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Mysskin, Madonna Sebastian, George Maryan, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand, and Mathew Thomas.
A gripping narrative, 'ThalapathyVijay Leo' draws inspiration from David Cronenberg's 'A History of Violence' and boasts cinematography by Manoj Paramahamsa. This cinematic gem has garnered an estimated ₹557 crore at the box office, showcasing its immense popularity and success. For all movie enthusiasts and fans of high-octane action, 'ThalapathyVijay Leo' is a must-watch, and its arrival on Netflix India promises an exhilarating cinematic experience right in the comfort of your home.