Leo," also known as "Leo: Bloody Sweet," is an action-packed Indian Tamil-language thriller directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by Seven Screen Studio. Scheduled for release on November 24th in India and November 28th globally, the film features a stellar cast including Vijay in the titular role, alongside Sanjay Dutt, Arjun, Trisha, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Mysskin, Madonna Sebastian, George Maryan, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand, and Mathew Thomas. Positioned as the third installment in the Lokesh Cinematic Universe, the movie draws inspiration from the storyline of "A History of Violence" (2005), adapted from the graphic novel of the same name.
The plot revolves around Parthi, a cafe owner and animal rescuer in Theog, whose life takes a dangerous turn when he becomes the target of gangsters Antony and Harold Das. They suspect him to be Antony's estranged son, Leo, leading to a series of intense and gripping encounters that unfold throughout the narrative.