Presenting the official trailer of "Devil," a cinematic venture directed by Aathityaa, and produced by R. Radhakrishnan and S. Hari under the banners of Maruthi Films & H Pictures. This film promises an intriguing storyline, featuring a cast that includes Vidharth, Thrigun, Poorna, and Subhashree.
Under the guidance of director of photography Karthik Muthukumar and editor Elayaraja S., the film boasts an exceptional crew. With Mysskin in charge of the music, the soundtrack is set to captivate audiences. The art direction by Antony Maria Kerli, lyrics by Mysskin, and sound design by S. Alagiakoothan add depth and richness to the film. The co-director R. Balachandar and colorist Rajarajan Gopal contribute to the visual experience, while Ramkumar takes on the task of choreographing the stunts. Costume design by Shaima Aslam, stills by Abhishek Raj, and publicity design by Kanadasan DKD complete the creative ensemble. With VFX handled by ARTFX Studio and supervised by T. Mathavan, the film is set to offer a visual spectacle. Production executive S. Venkatesan, PRO Sathish Kumar, and marketing and promotions by KV Durai DEC ensure a well-rounded cinematic experience. With this talented team behind the scenes and a promising storyline, "Devil" is a film to keep an eye on. For more updates and insights into the world of cinema, follow Wowrey.
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