Presented by Aditya Music, the vibrant beats of "Radhika" from the upcoming movie "Tillu Square" set the stage for an electrifying groove. Featuring Siddu Jonnalagadda and Anupama, this lyrical video introduces an infectious track composed and sung by the versatile Ram Miriyala. Crafted with high-energy choreography and catchy tunes, the song promises an enthralling musical experience.
The credits roll with Ram Miriyala leading the music, accompanied by lyrics penned by Kasarla Shyam. The dynamic rhythm section includes Sai Kumar and Joyal Raj on keys, Pavan Kumar on rhythms, and Ricky providing programming assistance. The track's uplifting vibe is further elevated by a chorus ensemble featuring Akash Ravuru, Harshavardhan Chavali, and Akhil Chandra. Directed by Mallik Ram, with Sai Prakash Ummadisingu as the director of photography and Navin Nooli as the editor, "Tillu Square" is set to offer a captivating fusion of music, dance, and storytelling. Produced under Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, this musical delight is brought to the audience by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi, under the banner of Srikara Studios.
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