The culinary odyssey presented in "Annapoorani," featuring the acclaimed Lady Superstar Nayanthara, has surged to the top spot on Netflix, captivating audiences with its gastronomic charm. Directed by Nilesh Krishnaa in a spectacular directorial debut and jointly produced by Jatin Sethi, R. Ravindran, under the banners of Zee Studios, Naad Studios, and Trident Arts, this 2023 Indian Tamil-language drama unravels the journey of Annapoorani, portrayed by Nayanthara, as she aspires to become a chef despite the hurdles she encounters.
Officially announced in July 2022 under the tentative title Nayanthara 75, denoting Nayanthara's 75th lead role, the film underwent a title change to "Annapoorani" in October 2023. Commencing its principal photography in Chennai in April 2023, followed by a schedule in Tiruchirappalli, the film wrapped up its production phase by mid-September 2023. With a musical score by Thaman S, cinematography by Sathyan Sooryan, and editing by Praveen Anthony, "Annapoorani" ventured into theatres on December 1, 2023, receiving a mixed-to-negative critical reception, marking a challenging run at the box office.
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