Big Boss Show which is being aired in Star Maa is now became the biggest discussion topic among the tollywood, this is a the show which is been a huge success in Bollywood which was aired by Salman Khan, Now NTR has taken the responsibilities of being a host for this program. Even though the show concept is good, there is a huge disappointment among the people about the celebrities who were roped to be in the Big Boss house, few persons like Mahesh Katthi, Katthi Karthika, Kalpana, Adarsh etc were really the new faces for us, especially Mahesh Katthi who doest all stupid acts with his facebook account is not at all a deserved to be a part of this show.
Considering all these aspects, the makers of Big Boss are now trying to add some more interesting things by adding another celebrity into the show through Wild Card Entries. Anchor Anasuya, Actress Tejaswi Madiwada and Manchu Lakshmi names are under consideration, recently in one of the episode Prince asked bigboss to send any girl of his ge, which looks like the initiation of this process. Lets wait!!