In less than a month, the enigmatic world of investigation is set to unfold as "Atharva" embarks on his quest for answers. This unique investigative thriller, centered around the Clues Department, is poised to captivate audiences when it graces theaters on December 1st, promising an adrenaline-pumping cinematic experience
The film boasts a talented team, with Karthik Raju, Simran Choudhary, Mahesh Reddy, Sricharan Pakala, Subhash Nuthala, Sai Charan Madha, S. B. Udhav, Kiran Goud, and the backing of T-Series, under the expert guidance of PRO Sai Satish. As the release date approaches, "Atharva" promises to be a cinematic thriller like no other, offering an exhilarating ride filled with suspense and intrigue. Get ready to be immersed in a world where every clue counts and every mystery leads to the unknown.