90’s - A Middle Class Biopic Official Trailer

Embark on a nostalgic voyage with "90’s," a heartfelt biopic encapsulating the essence of middle-class life. The newly released trailer introduces Mr. Shekhar and his family, inviting audiences on a comforting journey back to the cherished memories of the 90s. Directed and penned by Aditya Haasan, this cinematic portrayal of everyday life resonates deeply with relatable moments and familial bonds, promising a trip down memory lane for viewers of all ages. Under the production banner of Rajashekhar Medaram and the creative vision of the team, including the talented crew comprising Azharuddin, Gnaadikudikar, Vinod Nagula, Sharvin, Saikishore, Suresh Bobbili, Amogha Arts, and Naveen Medaram, "90’s" emerges as an ode to simplicity and the beauty found in ordinary lives. Scheduled for release on January 5th, 2024, on ETV Win, this film not only captures the ethos of an era but also celebrates the timeless values that bind families together, promising an enriching cinematic experience for audiences longing to reconnect with the past.

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