The theatrical trailer of 'Thika Maka Thanda' introduces an intriguing tale brought to life by the director, Venkat, under the production of Thirupathi Srinivasa Rao. This promising venture stars a talented ensemble cast including Ramakrishna, Harikrishna, Venkat, Annie, Rekha Nirosha, Shiva Narayana, Bobby Bedi, Yadamma Raju, Bullet Bhasker, Rocket Raghava, Rama Chandra, Gowry Shanker, and Sujatha. With Venkat at the helm, the screenplay, dialogues, and direction promise an engaging narrative that is bound to captivate audiences.
Adding to the allure of 'Thika Maka Thanda' is a robust technical team featuring BN Niroop Kumar in the story and screenplay department, Suresh Bobbili handling the music, and Hari Krishnan managing the cinematography. The movie also boasts the artistic contributions of Kumar Nirmala Srujan, overseeing editing, VFX direction, and additional screenplay, while Harika Potta takes charge as the costume designer. This film, under the banner of TSR Movie Makers, guarantees an immersive cinematic experience, crafted meticulously by a dedicated team committed to delivering enthralling storytelling.
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