The much-anticipated lyrical song from the upcoming Telugu feature film "Ambajipeta Marriage Band" has been released, and it's already making waves in the music scene. Titled "Gumma," this song is a resounding melody that adds an exciting dimension to the film. The movie, produced by Bunny Vas and Venkatesh Maha, boasts a talented cast with Suhas and Shivani Nagaram playing the lead roles. Directed by Dushyanth Katikaneni, the film promises to be a cinematic experience worth looking forward to, with the skilled cinematography of Wajid Baig and the editing prowess of Kodati Pavan Kalyan.
Sekhar Chandra's music in "Gumma" elevates the song to new heights, making it an instant favorite among music lovers. As the song continues to gain popularity, it sets the stage for the film's release, generating excitement among the audience. With Dheeraj Mogilineni as the producer, "Ambajipeta Marriage Band" is shaping up to be a compelling addition to the world of Telugu cinema, and "Gumma" is just a taste of what's to come.
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