Prepare for a heartfelt cinematic experience as the Indian Telugu-language romantic drama film, "Month of Madhu," is set to grace screens. Written and directed by the talented filmmaker Srikanth Nagothi, this emotional journey is all set to capture hearts. Produced by Krishiv Production and Handpicked Stories in collaboration with UV Creations, "Month of Madhu" features a dynamic cast, with Naveen Chandra and Swathi Reddy taking on the lead roles.
The film initially made its way to theaters on October 6, 2023, and it quickly garnered attention and acclaim. Now, as November approaches, fans and movie enthusiasts can look forward to immersing themselves in this romantic and emotionally charged tale. Starting from November 3rd, the film will be available for streaming on the Aha platform, allowing a wider audience to experience the love, drama, and emotions that "Month of Madhu" has to offer. Don't miss the chance to witness this beautifully crafted story that has already left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who watched it in theaters.