Renowned for his versatility, Sunil steps into the character of Palani Saami in the upcoming Telugu film "Harom Hara," set in the enthralling world of love and passion. Scheduled for release in 2022, this cinematic endeavor stars Sudheer Babu and Sumanth, promising a compelling narrative under the skilled direction of Gnanasagar Dwaraka. Produced by Sumanth G Naidu, under the esteemed banner Sree Subrahmanyeshwara Cinemas, and presented by Ramesh Kumar G, the movie is poised to leave a lasting impact on the audience.
The musical backdrop of "Harom Hara" is crafted by the talented Chaitan Bharadwaj, setting the stage for an immersive cinematic experience. As anticipation builds, the teaser for the film is on the verge of release, offering a glimpse into the world of Palani Saami and the intriguing tale that unfolds. Stay tuned for more updates on this cinematic journey by following Wowrey, your premier destination for the latest in the world of entertainment. Join us in celebrating the art of storytelling and follow Wowrey for more updates on upcoming releases and industry insights.